Seed Cleaning & Separation
Providing industry-leading seed cleaning, conditioning, and seed refinement solutions.
Seed Conditioning
Proper post-harvest processing is critical to maximizing yield, longesivty, vigor and overall quality of the seed crop. Contrary to typical hemp processing practices, our systems are among few that take the extra steps to condition and treat the hemp seeds in a complete process of prepapring the seeds for planting.
Air Seed Cleaner
Most often thought to be the only machine necessary for cleaning, the seed cleaner removes dust, broken seed, stalk material, and empty seed hulls.

Gravity Separator
Grading the seeds by density, the gravity separator is crucial to determine seed maturity and germination rate. Hemp seed that is only run through a cleaner may only germinate at a rate of 60-70%. Farmers expect germination rates of 90+% based on other crops which are fully conditioned and treated.

Optical Sorter
Also referred to as a color sorter, this removes seeds with visible defects or insect damage. This is done in the majority of commercial ag crops but rarely done in hemp due to the immaturity of the industry.

Seed Treatment
This complicated step can include many different things being applied to the seed. Chemicals or biological inoculants are used to prevent pathogens from damaging the seed, as well as, add fertilizers and polymers to help with moisture absorption.


With United Precision Engineering, LLC as the parent company of HPP, we have over two decades of extensive experience in all aspects of the seed industry. From machine design to consulting we’ve been around the world for a multitude of different processing needs. Our goal is to keep industrial hemp processing in line with current ag harvesting practices, allowing producers to plant industrial hemp and match the current demands of commodity processing.

- 1,000 TO 15,000 LBS/Hour Systems Available
- Conveyor Feed
- Bud Buster
- Multi Aspirator
- Rotary Drum Screener
- Kief Collection Bag House
- Industrial Round Bail Drying Floors
- Separate: Biomass, Stick and Seed
HPP was built to connect farmers to the technology they need to be profitable in the Hemp Industry. Through the use of cutting-edge Harvest and Drying techniques HPP can save millions of pounds of Hemp that might other wise be lost to wind weather and mold. Cleaning and separating the plant material to gain the highest value is the absolute key to being profitable in the Hemp Industry.... After drying, bails are pulled from dry indoor storage to be processed overtime without the pressure of incoming weather or growing mold. The system then breaks the plant down into its 3 main components to be separated into stocks, seeds and flower. HPP can engineer the right system for any customers needs without overspending on time or money. We take that material, clean it and separate it, to gain the highest value possible. This is the key to being profitable in the Hemp Industry. This industry is quickly becoming one of efficiency and requires no loss pieces as each fraction of the plant can be monetized. This system will process hundreds of tons of material per week in its largest form. We can do systems that process from 1,000 lbs per hour up to 15,000 lbs per hour. This is truly a scalable solution for any sized operator; from a beginning grower needing toll processing to a large-scale Ag operation that seeks total control of their operation from start to finish. In our process the system is going to break the plant down into its 3 main components to be separated into stalks, seeds and flower. Harvested and dried hemp is fed into a rotary drum screener. Material that is screened off passes through a multi aspirator to separate seeds from flower using air. The larger material that passes through the rotary drum screener feeds directly into a machine we call a Bud Buster. The Bud Buster strips remaining buds off the stalks and breaks them up, liberating any remaining seeds in the buds. Any remaining sticks and seeds are discharged out of the machine. All of the good flower material from the Multi Aspirator and the Bud Buster is lifted to a cyclone receiver for separation from the air stream. Processed air then passes through the Bag House filter to capture and contain kief. Essentially offering no loss of product through the separation process. We use industry leading Allen Bradley electronics that allow for future automation and extreme reliability. All the fractions of the hemp plant and bagged weighed and tagged so that the process is easy document and well controlled. All valuable material is captured to preserve the value that farmers work so hard to produce, without the seed and stalks extractors don’t want. This allows you to provide the highest value product to market so that your farming effort brings about the most profit.